How sliding scale works
You do the IM Experience.
If you want to continue practicing, we'll land on the pricing that makes sense for you, taking into account your budget and these factors we will know after your IM Experience:
The best session length for you: under 60 min, 60-75 min, or 75-90 min. ​
How frequently is best for you to practice: in most cases, weekly or biweekly.
Periodically, every 6 to 8 months or so, I revisit with my sliding scale meditators where they are on the scale, and we check in. We chat and see what's best now: some movement along the scale, or perhaps remaining still.
It really is such a joy and honor to practice with each and every person; and so, everything about this work, including the finance piece, is an open, trust-based dialogue. It does always work out with every single meditator who wants to do this work.
More questions? Just ask.