Deep Pleasure
Experience what I'm talking about in a Community Practice session!
I have named Deep Pleasure as the practice of accessing the deep, uber-powerful joy that rests within the dense (painful) content of life.
Another way of looking at these practices: we are taking what is unconscious and making it conscious.
Yet another way of looking at these practices: we are literally dissolving the ego. (Or, that happens within the space we create.)
These ways of looking at Deep Pleasure practices imply joy. As in, it is a joyous experience to render something conscious. It is joyous experience to witness ego dissolution
With Deep Pleasure practices, the denser the content, the greater pleasure and joy potential--but we grow our "seeing" muscles--our capacity to be with dense content--slowly, slowly. Quite magically, though, with Deep Pleasure, the slower we go, the faster we arrive.
Also quite magically, our seeing muscles grow not merely linearly, but exponentially, each time we exercise them. As I often say during IM sessions, "Exponential growth!" Meditators don't believe me until after a couple of session...and then they see what I'm saying:).
What Deep Pleasure practices such as Inquiry Meditation teach --alongside Byron Katie's The Work, and Carolyn Elliott's Existential Kink, and my co-created shadow-play HEAT game--is that our dense content is pleasure, too--unconscious pleasure just waiting for us to make it conscious, to transmute it to consciousness, waiting for us to let it take its true joyous form, via our willingness to be with it.
Hence, the gospel that all is pleasure. This gospel is a somatic knowing. A living truth.
The true beauty of Deep Pleasure practices: they teach us that true healing can happen pleasurably. I will go further and say that true healing can happen only pleasurably. Deep Pleasure practices teach us that true healing necessarily is a joyous experience.
Deep Pleasure makes evermore space for our High Pleasure capacity.
My Deep Pleasure course is coming in 2025! If you'd like to receive updates about it, please subscribe to my Substack.