
"This process is such a nurturing & powerful container for deep healing, equanimous learning, and lasting growth. The space that Leslie provides is intentionally tuned to co-create safety, mindful listening, and utter compassion for every layer of what arises within.
In her generous peace of presence, I found myself both readily weeping and openly cackling, a symphony of emotive movements stirred in the cauldron of medicinal listening. I came away from our first session in a state of calm, reverence, and awe.
The pieces of the puzzle we found together are lastingly available to me, and already many times they have arisen to support me in moments of need. This work is magical & empowering, absolutely a gift of soul-boosting support on the Path of Heart."
Sophie P.
"Leslie is JUST SO MAGIC. She was recommended to me by a couple of MIT types so I was intrigued. I’m dealing with a lot of crap at the moment connected to expanding my business, dealing with my father’s death, family tensions. You know. Life.
The moment I met Leslie - I felt I could let go and relax. ​I knew instinctively I could trust this woman. She led me so beautifully on this journey, and as a result I was able to go SO SO deep! I do a fair amount of this kind of integrative, deep work and Leslie took me to another level. She’s developed such an excellent, smart modality and then runs it through your brain like a silk waterfall of loving sweetness.
Our first session was so deep, so somatic, so brilliant.
The next couple of days were intense - I got everything done but I could feel something was about to be very different. A week later, I was already noticing really wild changes in my general tranquility, ability to give love to others effortlessly (because I’m giving it to myself so easily, innit!), stressful emails are wayyy less stressful, awkward situations seem smoother, the roughness of the anxieties of life is simple smoother as a direct result of the work I’ve done with Leslie.
I’m able to ask for more money, gently and effectively assert boundaries, and BE CALM in situations that would have had me fretting for days. Inquiry Meditation is truly magick…real, material world, psychologically sound, beautiful, tender, powerful magic from an extremely talented practitioner."

Annelle T.
"The sacred, loving, and fully supportive container that Leslie creates each session to engage in Inquiry Meditation is so full of approval that I find myself learning to see and approve of all my parts. I feel held and safe enough to go into the places in my psyche and my body that hold stories, memories, messages and work with those so that healing might happen.
Leslie is a shadow illumination guide and a wonderfully brilliant human who has the keen awareness of how to guide one through a process that holds space for both the deepest joy and the biggest pain. Because Leslie is so grounded and true to reminding me to be with all of me as she is with all of her, I am able to more fully do that.
I sleep better. I feel more energized. I feel liberated. I’ve resolved so many deeply suffering thoughts! I’ve released the hold that caffeine has over me. I drink it sometimes and sometimes I don’t now without suffering over either experience! I no longer perseverate over stressful work situations when they appear in my mind after work hours bc I realized through this process with Leslie that worry needs me. If I take myself out of the worry then the worry can’t function. Inquiry Meditation works! This was from one session w Leslie!
Inquiry Meditation has been more effective than the two years of more traditional trauma work I'd already done because of the reflections and gentle pushing Leslie guided me through to get to a place of awareness, relief and release. This work is deeply therapeutic and so significantly powerful beyond what I believe is possible in most therapy settings within the medical system.
The time I have spent with Leslie is fully life-affirming and it’s changed and affected my life deeply in just a few sessions.
Just do it! Now! This is real healing on a personal, interpersonal, lineage, ancestral and, therefore, future and cosmic level. It really is that powerful!"
(Please note: Annelle is a highly experienced Nurse Practitioner.)
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